Friday, June 13, 2008

The Keys of Putting

I believe I've reached my first milestone. In the last several rounds I have very few 3 putts and for every 3-putt it seems I have at least one 1-putt. So here it is, my keys of putting. Next on my list is chipping (which is far worse than putting). Enjoy

Keys of Putting

1. The first key is to get to the course early enough to spend a few minutes (3-5 minutes is plenty) on the putting green. Greens vary so much, it is immensely helpful to determine BEFORE the first hole whether the greens are playing slow, fast, wet, hard, etc. This also helps to "remember" how to putt strait.

2. I have found that there are two main tenants of quality putting.... seeing and then hitting. For improving at putting I recommend being sure you are hitting correctly. The best way to test this is to hit the putting green at a driving range, find a flat putt and practice putting, starting at 3 feet and progressively moving back to 10 feet. Nine times out of ten, you should sink the putt, if not, the putter is not hitting the ball squarely creating a mishit. I found this was easily corrected by practicing my putting stroke against a wall, being sure my putter was the same distance from the wall from back swing to follow through.

3. Once I was confident I was hitting the ball squarely, I could focus on hitting the correct distance. I did find that a correct putting stroke needs the same distance from back swing to follow through, meaning it should be a true pendulum swing. Many of my missed putts were a result of either accelerating or decelerating through the swing creating a greater or shorter distance in the follow through in comparison to my back swing. This can also be practiced and corrected on the putting green.

4. The fourth key is reading the greens correctly. The best way I have found to do this is to get different perspectives. Depending on time and pace of play, I will try to get three perspectives on my putt, from behind my ball, from the middle and from the other side of the cup. I confirm in my mind which way the green is sloping and how much break there is.

5. Once I have read the green I will pick a target, which usually isn't the cup. For instance if I have read the green to be sloping uphill and breaking to the right, I will pick a target on the green above the cup and to the left and line up to hit that spot.

6. Now its time to hit the ball. I will take two practice swings, the first while looking at my target, judging how hard I need to hit the ball. The second is looking at my swing making sure I am swinging the same distance from back swing to follow through. Then I step up and hit the ball, trying to make it as smooth a hit as possible.

I know this sounds like a lot. And nobody likes a golfer who takes way to much time on the course. But it really isn't. While you are waiting for others to hit their putts, take a look at the 3 perspectives. I can't promise these keys will work for everyone, but it has certainly worked for me. And notice, I have taken about 10 strokes off my handicap as a result. Bring on the wedges!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A commercial farce

"it's gotta be the shoe" can't apply in golf. It just can't. How much of a difference does the shoe make in a round of golf? I'm suggesting it has no affect at all. At the beginning of the season I noticed my feet hurting after wearing my golf shoes for a round of golf. Since then I have worn my running shoes without any incidents of sore feet. And I have no reason to believe my game has suffered even the slightest. Even early in the morning when the shoe retailer will tell you golf shoes are needed the most, I have not noticed any slipping or any other reason to pay $60 to $200 for golf shoes. Perhaps professionals or "scratch" golfers would notice a difference, but for someone at my level, golf shoes are a waste of money and comfort. What an amazing marketing campaign though. To have the majority of the amateur golfers in the world sold into thinking it is a necessary part of the game. Kudos for that.

On another topic, I have continued to improve my putting game. I am nearing my goal of a 2.0 putting average. In fact I have only one 3 putt in the last 2 rounds of golf. I believe I may have my first real break through in bettering my game and becoming a more consistent golfer. But I don't want to jump the gun, I am going to wait a few more rounds before posting my findings.